Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pretty Woman Review: "Chrome" Collection - Part 2

Today I have three more polishes from Pretty Woman to share with you. These polishes are the last three from their "Chrome" Collection.

First up, is "Raspberry Chrome"

Macro shot of "Raspberry Chrome"

"Raspberry Chrome" is a beautiful sparkly magenta polish. Shown above is two coats without a top coat. It is absolutely to die for and is my favorite of the three polishes I have for you today.

Next up, is "Smoking Chrome"

Macro shot of "Smoking Chrome"

"Smoking Chrome" is a silver polish with a smokey shimmer to it. Shown above is two coats without a top coat. If this polish was any more chrome like, you could probably see your reflection in it! It is insane!

The last polish I have for you today, is "Skylight Chrome"

Macro shot of "Skylight Chrome"

"Skylight Chrome" is a lovely sky blue polish with a touch of silver sheen. Shown above is two coats without a top coat. This polish is so beautiful. It's the perfect polish to wear on a gloomy, overcast day like today is. 

Wrapping up the "Chrome" Collection by Pretty Woman with a collage. I loved using all the polishes from this collection. My favorites were definitely the dual/multichrome polishes. The formula for the most part was very good and application was smooth. There was only one polish("Smoking Chrome") out of the nine that was a tad bit thick for my taste, but nothing too serious or unmanageable. To be honest, it's probably just me being picky. All in all, this collection is amazing and all of the colors are absolutely gorgeous. If you would like to purchase any of the polishes that I have shown you today or check out anymore of Pretty Woman's products, click here. You can also purchase Pretty Woman products from your local Rite Aid. 

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